
I know of no sign on the doors of our meetinghouses that says, “Your testimony must be this tall the enter.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf.Loved hearing the sweet testimonies of people at church in person today!💕 Also, this photo… I look weird, but love this pic of the kids!😂💕 Happy Sunday! #thedaintypear #tdpsundaythought #HisDay #HearHim #ComeUntoChrist […]

“In these days of worldly intrusions into our lives, when trials and difficulties may seem to engulf us, let us remember our own special spiritual experiences. These building blocks of faith will bring us conviction and reassurance of a caring, loving Father in Heaven, of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and of Their restored […]

Today, one of our kids asked us to pray for him that he’ll “be able to learn his plus and minus equations.” THAT is what it’s all about.???? As a family, we care about the big and small things, because whatever is important to one another IS important. I know that our Heavenly Father feels […]

We spent so much time outside today, and it was BEAUtiful!!!♡ Hope everyone had a great (and maybe even warm!?) Sabbath Day. XOSarah

Today, we got to visit the church building where we attended for seven years to support two amazing missionaries we love so much! It always fills my cup to see friends who became family and feel “home.” Transitions can be hard, even when it’s a positive thing, but I am so grateful that we can […]

Happy Sunday!???? Transitioning to a new place can be hard, but today as I looked around and heard fellow sisters share their hearts, I felt an overwhelming feeling of love for a room full of people that I don’t know. I know that Heavenly Father hears not only our spoken prayers, but the unspoken prayers […]