What is it? We (and our kids) like business, so we like to call it a family board meeting! Usually it’s at our kitchen table on a Sunday night, and every few months, we’ll take it to a restaurant on a weekend and go over broader goals and ideas.
Elements of a family meeting:
•Word or phrase of the week: this is one of my personal favorite parts! Everybody gets to decide on something that we should focus on! Ones we have used in the past our gratitude, pick up after yourself, kindness, listening, we have used scripture verses, and more! It’s especially helpful for us as parents because it gives us something to remind the kids of that they all agreed upon!
•Loosely plan meals. We like to try and have a couple of meals from my cookbook every week, so the kids and my husband will go through and choose which ones they want! It’s fun to have the kids involved. They get excited about it and they like to help make things.
I’m not the greatest at meal planning, but even having a loose outline helps keep us a little bit organized with meals and grocery shopping.
•Chores for the week
•Gratitude – we all go around and say something we are grateful for
•Prayer section: We like to physically write down anyone that we are keeping us on our minds and in our prayers throughout the week. It helps us remember to not only pray for them, but it gets them thinking of others and their needs.
• Important events: This can be birthdays or recitals, or sports games, or a test that somebody has coming up that they want us to be encouraging them about!
Benefits: The weeks and days can get away from us, so having scheduled time to talk and plan ensures that we are connecting on a deeper level often and are staying in touch with our children’s goals and things going on in their lives inside and outside of the home.
Click HERE for a free family meeting printable.
P.S. You can watch my segment on Good Things Utah about this topic!♡ Click HERE!