
Our 5th Baby’s Birth Story || Unmedicated Hospital Birth || The Dainty Pear {Birth Series}

Well, we have a video up for our sweet 5th baby!:) She is perfect. It’s so hard for me to know where to even start with birth stories sometimes, because it feels like there are so many details that are so important; so many big and tiny, significant and emotional details that need just the right words to explain that I couldn’t possibly leave out; so I think sometimes that it gets overwhelming that I wait for it to be perfect, and sometimes it takes so long. But, I’m realizing that it’s better to have it done, no matter how long it takes.:) That story will come another time, but since there were so many details and it was such a long process, her Birth Vlog explains more of that stuff! But this video just captures the emotion that was in the room. It was joyful, we had some family and some of my best friends in the room, and it was also intense at times. I had the pelvic thing where the bones separate and it was SO painful to walk. There are parts where were are walking through the hallways and dancing, {all made possible by Tylenol! Hahaha.} and I’m so grateful she captured that, because a lot of labor was me crying out in pain just to walk. I considered the epidural purely for the pelvic pain, instead of for the contractions. I don’t think I’ve ever asked for so many blessings or prayed more for the pain to subside and to be able to walk. As it got later into the night, we decided to start pitocin to give labor a little bit of a nudge since it didn’t look like it was moving too much {usually I’m walking a lot, but couldn’t do as much of it.} But we got through it and she was born healthy and beautiful in every way. That’s another story, too. Throughout the pregnancy, we had test after test done. Her measurements looked really off, starting at her 20 week appointment. We had genetic testing, testing for infections, testing for other things, and we were told at 24 weeks that “If she has ___, then you have the option to terminate the pregnancy.” For us, that wasn’t an option, so we waited. We waited to see how she would be born and knew we would love her like crazy. So, in the video my emotions begin once she is born. Once they measured her head and said it looked “normal,” and I lost it. All the stress, prayers, and worry from the pregnancy turned into overwhelming gratitude! So many prayers of gratitude for her health we have said since then, and I hope to never forget those special feelings or the gratitude for little miracles. We love our sweet girl!




Birth Vlog:


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