
Have you ever done a trip with your in-laws?Maybe that sparks shivers down your spine? Haha ha kidding. I’m so grateful for great in-lawsand to being able to laugh with them! (That’s notsaying we haven’t had to work through times thatwere less than smooth-sailing! That’s normal,too! And our friendships and love for each otherhave increased.) […]

The other day, my 8 year old came into the kitchen and asked me mid-bite, “Are you stress eating?”???????????? Glad he’s in bed right now, because I’m about 20 almond butter cups down, and I don’t want to explain myself again.???? Hashtag: Election. Speaking of food… as much fun as it was to live in […]

HeLLLLLO, friends! I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been in the kitchen! We got the virus last month, and had to be quarantined for a couple of weeks. While in quarantine, you’d think that it would be a great time to cook and catch up on project, but alas, I was WAY too […]

If you’re feeling summery and spicy…jalapeños are one of my favorite fresh ways to spice up a drink! The one used in this recipe (from Trader Joe’s,) already has jalapeño in it, so we just add a little bit more for color and flavor! The taste to me has more of the warmth of ginger […]

We can’t be the only ones who are famished after just a couple of hours at church! Right!??!? Haha! Thought I would take you along as I made a super easy and quick lunch on our Traeger grill/smoker! XO Sarah http://instagram.com/thedaintypear http://thedaintypear.com http://youtube.com/sarahthedaintypear