The other day, my 8 year old came into the kitchen and asked me mid-bite, “Are you stress eating?”???????????? Glad he’s in bed right now, because I’m about 20 almond butter cups down, and I don’t want to explain myself again.???? Hashtag: Election.

Speaking of food… as much fun as it was to live in an RV for half a year with 5 kids, sometimes I still cry when I cook in the kitchen of#TDPfarmhouse! It felt like it would never be done, but after a painstaking remodel that took over a year; here we are cooking away, and I’m so grateful!???????????? *Also, our entire kitchen line is still 30% off before the shop turns off for the holidays! Use TDPLOVE at checkout The Dainty Pear Co. for the discount!????????
Photo Details:
Black Shallow Bowl: CLICK HERE
Black Large Bowl: CLICK HERE
Gold Slotted Spoon: CLICK HERE
Candle Stick Holders: CLICK HERE
Large Basket Light (comes in 3 sizes:) CLICK HERE
Spoon Holder: CLICK HERE