Can I give you guys a little peek into some rollercoaster emotions I’ve had?♥️

Lately, I’ve felt so many different emotions about our United States. (Perhaps because they haven’t felt so United?) Things have felt divisive, and the vitriol spewed from every angle on every media outlet that I usually stay away from has left me feeling heavy at times, while feeling agitated at the various things happening throughout the country. It felt heartbreaking because Patriotism runs deep in my bones, and I almost started to feel embarrassed at the things going on. Citizens turning on each other at every turn, when we are supposed to be an example of unity, and anxiety that we were somehow imploding as a society. It weighed heavily on me. I have taken breaks, I have dived deep into scripture and prayer to cut through confusion, and I have tried to count our many blessings and the things that DO make this country so great.🇺🇸 And a weight was lifted. And then days like today come, where we spend extra time remembering the enormous and ultimate sacrifices that so many have made on our behalf.💙 When we look around at fellow Americans, (who are MOSTLY GOOD and full of light and solid principles, by the way, despite what those who seek to divide would like us to believe,) and when we turn off the media and turn to those who have made these things possible for us; hearts can turn from jaded and hardened to humble and full of love and gratitude. We can control what we focus on!!!🤍 Freedom is worth defending. This weekend is more than a long weekend or store sales, and saying thank you doesn’t seem like nearly enough. But: Thank you to those who have given it all for us, as well as their families! #thedaintypear#tdpholidays #freedomisntfree🇺🇸
Shirt: From Anthropologie, but is out of stock. CLICK HERE for a very similar one for $12.