

Welcome to our Sunday circus!🎉 I went to church with yesterday’s makeup, someone fell backwards and bonked their head on a pew, and we wrangled 5 kids through ward conference. BUT. We also were so incredibly uplifted, felt the spirit that lit a fire within, felt empowered to readjust priorities, and learned more about and became closer to our Savior. And we are happy. I’d say that’s a Sabbath Day win. I love these people from my head to my toes, and I can honestly say that I feel like the Luckiest Mom. I was so honored this week to be interviewed by Reagan from the Luckiest Mom Podcast this week about anxiety and motherhood, and the episode is up!

You can find the episode and her show HERE! <3



  1. Unknown says:

    I just found your blog and wanted to thank you for being a breath of fresh air. I've been looking for spiritual, uplifting, motivating and real mom blogs and they are so hard to find! I appreciate that you are all of those things. It is so uplifting to read your posts!!!❤️❤️❤️

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