Sarah is a Wife and Mama to 5 kids. They love food, traveling, and grounding themselves from the busy-ness of the world on their farm.
The Dainty Pear
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Today, my sweet 19 month old was sad in her crib. Sometimes when I know she’ll go back to sleep, I’ll let her stay in and wait it out. But today, I decided to get her out and snuggle. I sat her on the couch, felt her soft face, swept her sticky hair over her ear, told her stories, and talked to her about things that matter to her.
Then I realized: When is the last time we looked our children in the face? Not just saw, but presently looked. No distractions, nothing except gentle whispers, smiles, and studying the curves of their cheeks, the pout of their lips, and the magic in their eyes? Remembering special moments you’ve had. Remembering the pregnancy or the process it took for them to be sitting in front of you.
How easy is it to get SO busy, SO caught up in things that need to be “done” that we forget how rejuvenating it is to reconnect with our special and most important connections in Motherhood. Or even further—become frustrated and fall out of love with something we had wanted for so long. Or just become tired. Aren’t all moms at least a little bit tired?
As kids grow and begin to walk, run, and play, it takes more thought to stop them, scoop them up in our arms, and sit in stillness. It fills your soul, and it infuses gratitude and a sacred feeling of love and stewardship over these tiny humans.
I hesitate to ever sounding “preachy,” but want to say: If you haven’t done this recently, do. I promise you’ll fall in love all over again.<3