I’m so excited to finally tell you guys the title of our Cookbook! “G R O U N D E D.” When I think of grounded, I think earth, I think of roots-both in food, and also in a sense of where we come from and what makes us who we are.💕 This Cookbook is just that-with family recipes, recipes inspired by our travels, and things that bring comfort; in a fresh way, with whole ingredients. I’ve sat on the name for about a year, and now that the cover has been chosen (this photo isn’t it😊) and everything is about ready for the final edits, I decided to go with it! Thank you guys always for your support and for being excited with me!😭🤗😊💕🌱 #thedaintypear#groundedcookbook {📷: Thank you, @valoryjean for understanding my vision for the photos this book!💕}